The 2023 Quality Management Symposium will be about collaboration of quality and client care practices for participants in Ryan White Part A, B, D, and Ryan White-Related funding agencies, consumers, and staff. Intended Audience: Ryan White Part A, B, D, and RW-related agencies, consumers, and staff. Also, anyone interested in Quality Management collaboration practices. Participation Requirements: Training participants are required to log into the virtual platform on time. Attendance log-in and out times will be monitored. Late arrival is considered logging into the training fifteen (15) minutes after the start of the training. Late arrivals will not be permitted to enter the virtual training and will result in a no-call/no-show for training attendance; supervisors will be notified. Cancellation Policy: Cancellations or modifications must be made no later than two (2) business days prior to the training date. Applicants who are unable to attend any trainings for which they are registered must contact the Training Unit at MDHHS-BHSPtraining@michigan.gov. Failure to do so will classify the participant as a no-call/no-show and may result in lost priority when registering for future trainings. Training Date Registration Deadline Thursday, June 8, 2023 Thursday, May 25, 2023 Registration will open on Thursday, April 27, 2023. All training registrations must be done through SHOARS. Click here for more information on accessing SHOARS.